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The racial pay gap has been widening since the early 2000s. Studies show that pay inequity results in losses of up to one-million dollars over a lifetime for Black men and women. According to Citi’s Action for Racial Equity Report, closing the pay gap 20 years ago would have created an additional $2.7 trillion in income for consumption and investment by Black households. 

Today,  Black men and women are paid approximately $.071 and $.63 for every dollar paid to White men, respectively. In addition, US-based Latinas, on average, are paid 51% less than white men and 31% less than white women.

These realities are unacceptable

The fight for pay equity can no longer overlook these vast racial disparities. It’s time to make pay equity systemic.

Method:Our 3-Fold Methodology

We Leverage Data

We are zapping the racial pay gap one data-point at a time. While the war against pay inequity has nearly exclusively focused on gender, The Equity App leverages data to attack the widening racial pay gap through a combination of Crowdsourced and corporate ally inputs. 

We Make it Possible to #TalkPay

Many of us have been socialized to not #talkpay. Research reveals a correlation between this lack of financial transparency and today’s gross pay gap, which harms people of color most of all. The Equity App disrupts the status quo by creating a safe, anonymous space for everyone to #talkpay.

We Incentivize Corporate Action

The Equity App removes high-cost corporate barriers to pay-equity monitoring, enabling companies of all sizes to take action to resolve internal pay disparities. In addition, The Equity Badge, provided to select organizations, is a badge of honor that will be displayed by proven Equity Champions only.


We are committed to using your data and this platform for good. Your anonymized, aggregated data helps us combat the racial pay gap. We understand that this data is sensitive and personal; it will NEVER be linked to your personal identifying information. We only collect this data to combat the battle against pay inequity.

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